Cameron County, Pennsylvania Genealogy Project
A Project of the Pennsylvania USGenWeb


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Where in Pennsylvania is Cameron County? (County seat is Emporium)


Cameron County was created on March 29, 1860, from parts of Clinton, McKean, Elk and Potter Counties and named for U.S. Senator Simon Cameron. Emporium, the county seat, was incorporated as a borough on October 13, 1864. Its name is Latin for market or trade center. In Cameron County you can view majestic elk, the white-tailed deer, black bear, all types of small wild animals and much more.

When searching genealogy records, remember Cameron County was created in 1860 with borders changing many times with its neighboring counties: Elk; , Clearfield; Potter; Clinton; McKean Counties (check these sites and records also). The Elk and related wildlife are an important make-up of this region both historically and today in both Cameron and Elk county.


Cameron County PAGenWeb site. This website is being maintained by Nancy Janyszeski. You can support our genealogy efforts by contributing any files, records, family stories; by volunteering your time, or making suggestions. Send obituaries of based on being born in Cameron County of anyone over the age of 90 to Nancy Janyszeski. Email if you can help out with township history. Hope you find this site helpful in your search and come back often to see the changes. Email your Cameron County Family names

Cameron County Cemeteries

From the Cameron County Genealogy Project-then click on Cemetery Records (A comprehensive cemetery listing)



Cameron County Genealogy Resources

Cameron County Today

Copyright © 2023  Nancy Janyszeski and contributors

All materials located on this website are the sole property of the webmaster and the original contributors. In developing this site I have attempted to honor all copyright provisions- if any corrections need to be made please email me. You may copy any of this information for your own personal research but please refrain from selling it commercially or reposting it online without permission from the author(s).

  Nancy Janyszeski Cameron County Coordinator  
PAGenWeb Assistant State Coordinator
(Eastern Counties)
Mary Ann Lubinsky ~
PAGenWeb State Coordinator
Nancy Janyszeski ~
PAGenWeb Assistant State Coordinator
(Western Counties)
Linda Jane East -
Special Thanks to Bob Nay previous CC